We are Physicists and Data Acquisition Experts

We are a small company dedicated to serving physics researchers worldwide. Most of our team are former scientists and we are tightly integrated with the nuclear and astrophysics communities. We specialize in high-speed Data Acquisition systems and Digital Pulse Processing electronics.

Our product line consists of the whole data acquisition chain: detectors, digitizers, firmware pulse processing, and data management for scientific big-data applications.

Please reach out to discuss your research with us and how we can help.

Prior to full full hookup to photomultiplier array

We Deliver, You Achieve.

We got our start developing and supplying over 1500 digitizer channels for the LUX dark matter experiment which takes place several thousand feet below the surface in Lead, South Dakota. Since they were installed underground 3 years ago, there has not been a single reported failure. 
We have since expanded our product line and have provided data acquisition hardware to researchers in nuclear physics, particle astrophysics, biophysics, and medical research.