
32 Channel Digitizer

The CHK-32 is a high performance data acquisition system with embedded Linux. Standard GammaSphere firmware has been ported to this digitizer. It is serving all 32 channels. The firmware can also integrate the HPGe signal with several running windows, in order to perform pole-zero compensation of the RC-reset preamplifier signal.

GammaSphere BGO scintillators are also served with the same firmware. Other scintillators can be used as well: CsI(Tl), NaI(Tl), LYSO, or BC400. Sub-nanosecond time resolution can be achieved with fast detectors.

Additional specifications below


Channel Count 32
Bit Resolution 14
Sampling Frequency (MHz) 100 
Analog Inputs Individual LEMO’s or flat ribbon cable (FERA pinout) – specified while placing the order
Waveform Length Up to: 81.92 μs (100MHz), 32.7 us (250MHz)
Trigger Modes Hit Pattern, Multiplicity
Real-Time Pulse Processing 4-part pulse integration, Pulse height, Trigger height, Timestamping
Data Products Waveforms, Histograms (in-firmware), Pulse Summaries
Additional customization available on a contract-basis
Analog Outputs Arbitrary Waveform Generator (LEMO)
Filter Output (LEMO)
Readout Options Internal Storage
(future: 1 Gbps streaming ethernet)
Physical Dimensions (cm) 20.3 x 25.4 x 7.0
Weight (kg) 1.35
Form Factor Benchtop
Digital I/O 4 LEMO Input
4 LEMO Output
Synchronization Sync Timestamp Input (ideal for White Rabbit or GPS pulse-per-second)
External Clock Input
Computer Interfaces USB and Mini-USB
Serial barrel jack
Gigabit Ethernet
Detector Bias 10-90V, 4mA
Power 5V DC Barrel Jack
User Interface Easy-to-use Web-based interface (no installation required!)
API Full-function C API
Bash Utilities for Quick Operation
Operating System Embedded Linux